CR Equity


Account Executive

PHONE: 213-805-1062


Whether you are looking to Purchase or Refinance, RBS Mortgage has you covered.

Mortgage Options

We are your dedicated home loan professionals. Whether you’re ready to buy a home, refinance, or cash out we are here to help guide you through the process.We offer smart loan options to help you achieve your goals while providing service beyond expectations.

FHA Loans

  • Minimum credit score:
    • 550 AUS approved,
    • 580 manual
  • Non-Credit Qualifying Streamline refinances allowed
  • Gift funds allowed for down payment and closing costs
  • Cash Out 80% LTV

Conventional Loan

  • 620 min score
  • Fannie Mae
  • Freddie Mac
  • Standard and High Balance
  • HomeReady
  • HomePossible

Cash Out Refinance

There are options for tapping into your home’s equity, like a cash-out refinance or a home equity line of credit to help you.

Non QM Program

Our NON-QM line up is truly a work of art and we believe it offers everything needed in the current NON-QM space and then some. 


Let us guide you & get you the loan you deserve!
Know Your Options 
& Get Pre-Approved with

Our Quick & Easy Tools

Get your FREE

Pre-Approval Letter

Find out how much home you can afford by getting pre-approved for your next home loan now.

Analyze Your

Refinance Options

This free calculator crunches the numbers for you. Find out exactly how much money you can save by refinancing.


Las preguntas y respuestas mas frecuentes

¿Cómo me ayudarán a determinar mis objetivos financieros a corto y largo plazo y me ayudarán a determinar el programa de préstamo y la estructura de financiamiento "correctos" que debo usar?

Analizaremos su actual alcance financiero, descubriremos qué está tratando de lograr financieramente ahora y en el futuro, y luego lo ayudaremos a establecer un plan en consecuencia. Las preguntas que solemos hacer son:

1) ¿Cuánto tiempo vivirá en el área?
2) ¿Cuánto tiempo conservará la propiedad?
3) ¿Está pensando en hacer alguna remodelación o ampliación de la propiedad en el futuro?
4) ¿Cuándo piensa jubilarse?
5) ¿Está buscando flujo de efectivo o liquidando el préstamo lo más rápido posible?
6) ¿Utilizar como flujo de caja una propiedad de ingresos por alquiler?

Una vez que tengamos sus respuestas, le asesoraremos sobre qué programa de préstamo es mejor para usted y qué estructura de préstamo cumplirá con sus objetivos financieros a corto y largo plazo. Esto lo hacemos en la cita previa de aprobación y se revisa nuevamente el contrato cuando bloqueamos su préstamo.

¿Qué métodos usa CREQUITY, INC para bloquear en el "momento correcto" y qué sucede si las tasas bajan?

En CREQUITY, INC utilizamos muchos programas de suscripción interactivos en línea para rastrear las tasas en función de la actividad del mercado de bonos, la actividad del informe económico y las tendencias del mercado. Esto brinda a nuestros clientes el poder de bloquear en el momento “correcto” frente al momento incorrecto cuando las tasas son peores. Además, si las tasas de interés caen, tenemos relaciones sólidas para renegociar la tasa con el prestamista a una tasa más baja o retirar el préstamo del prestamista e ir con otro prestamista que ofrezca una tasa más favorable. Tener acceso a más de 40 prestamistas brinda una propuesta de valor que otros prestamistas y prestamistas simplemente no pueden brindar.

How competitive are your rates?

As a mortgage originator, we have over 40 different relationships with direct lenders, portfolio lenders, private lenders and mortgage banks; ensuring our clients have access to the best loan programs and lowest rates. As a result, you will receive the most competitive interest rates and access to every loan program available. 

How fast can you process and close my loan?

Very quickly. Most loan officers work by themselves to close their loans. Some may even have an assistant but regardless usually take a long time to provide their clients with a preapproval, let alone even close on time per the ratified purchase contract.

Are you established?

CREQUITY, INC and its agents have been providing mortgage financing solutions to consumers and the Real Estate community for nearly 2 decades. CREQUITY, INC has been providing the same services since the early 2000’s and is considered one of the top mortgage planner’s in the LA area for loans based on strong relationships with Realtors, past clients and lenders. 

What are your services?

CREQUITY, INC provides financing services that include the following:

  • Over 20 Years of Experience in Residential and Commercial Financing with Access to over 45 Lenders resulting in the Lowest Rates, Lowest Fees and Timely Service.
  • Expert in Reverse Mortgages and Jumbo Reverse Mortgages.
  • Access to Land, Construction and Commercial Financing & Hard Money Lending
  • Access to All First Time Buyer Programs including FHA, VA and City Programs.

Do you provide personalized service?

CREQUITY, INC brings well over 20+ years of experience to the mortgage financing transaction, offering clients unsurpassed exemplary service, competitive rates and “out of the box” thinking. His dedication and hard work yield customized mortgage solutions quickly and efficiently. RBS mortgage planning services start with a detailed pre-qualification to determine your current needs and long term goals and loan options that apply to your situation, whether purchasing or refinancing.

Can you provide me testimonials from clients that have used your services in recent past?

You bet, just ask and we will provide


Please submit the form below and I’ll contact you soon. 


CORP. DRE # 02003436
NMLS 1494119

TOLL FREE: 1 855.373.5363 x717
eFAX: 818.301.7078

7100 Hayvenhurst Avenue
Penthouse B
Lake Balboa, CA 91406